4 | | The [http://www.senecadata.com/Partner/Solutions/HPC/Nexlink-Limulus.aspx Nextlink Limulus] cluster is a commercial version of the the Limulus Project Design. The base system has 16 cores (one master node, three worker nodes each with a quad-core Intel i5 processor), 16GB of RAM, a 256GB SSD, an internal Gigabit Ethernet switching, a single 850W power supply, front panel video/usb/power light and switch, and automatic/smart power control for the worker nodes. |
| 4 | The [http://www.senecadata.com/Partner/Solutions/HPC/Nexlink-Limulus.aspx Nexlink Limulus] cluster is a commercial version of the the Limulus Project Design. The base system has 16 cores (one master node, three worker nodes each with a quad-core Intel i5 processor), 16GB of RAM, a 256GB SSD, an internal Gigabit Ethernet switching, a single 850W power supply, front panel video/usb/power light and switch, and automatic/smart power control for the worker nodes. |