Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of LimulusBenchmarks

02/12/13 11:00:20 (12 years ago)

various clean ups


  • LimulusBenchmarks

    v3 v4  
    44  * 200.3 GFLOPS ([wiki:i5-2400S-Raw-HPL Raw HPL Results])  
    55  * 58% of Peak (3.3GHz * 4 cores * 8 FLOPS/cycle) + (2.5Ghz * 12 cores * 8 FLOPS/cycle) = 345.6 GFLOPS Peak 
    6   * [wiki:  Hardware Specification]   
     6  * [wiki:CommercialLimulus Hardware Specification] 
    88=== Hadoop === 
    10 Presentd a tutorial on [ Hadoop] recently and used my original Limulus to demonstrated a four node Hadoop cluster.  
    11 Some of the hardware is actually quite old. The nodes have a single dual core E6550, with 4 GB RAM, with 64MB SSD. The head node was a quad-core SandyBridge (i5-2400S) with 4 GB RAM, 64MB SSD and .5 TB of RAID. Connections were using the crappy consumer based Realtek GigE Ethernet controllers on the nodes. Overall it worked well. I plan on making a Hadoop VNFS so that it is possible to boot the nodes into Hadoop. Used the [ Hortonworks HDP ] for the Hadoop install.  
     10Presented a tutorial on [ Hadoop] recently and used my original Limulus to demonstrate a four node Hadoop cluster. Some of the hardware is actually quite old. The nodes have a single dual core E6550, with 4 GB RAM and a 64MB SSD. The head node has a quad-core Sandy Bridge (i5-2400S) with 4 GB RAM, 64MB SSD, and .5 TB of RAID1. Connections were using the mediocre consumer based Realtek GigE Ethernet controllers on the nodes. Overall it worked well. I plan on making a Hadoop VNFS so that it is possible to boot the nodes into Hadoop. Used the [ Hortonworks HDP] for the Hadoop install. The following are results of the TestDFSIO benchmark (tests the Hadoop File System) 
    1313----- TestDFSIO ----- : write 
    1414           Date & time: Wed Feb 06 22:23:24 EST 2013 
    2828 IO rate std deviation: 23.5285090607248 
    2929    Test exec time sec: 58.388 