| 1 | {{{ |
| 2 | This run was done on: Wed Nov 27 15:20:30 EST 2013 |
| 3 | ================================================================================ |
| 4 | HPLinpack 2.0 -- High-Performance Linpack benchmark -- September 10, 2008 |
| 5 | Written by A. Petitet and R. Clint Whaley, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK |
| 6 | Modified by Piotr Luszczek, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK |
| 7 | Modified by Julien Langou, University of Colorado Denver |
| 8 | ================================================================================ |
| 9 | |
| 10 | An explanation of the input/output parameters follows: |
| 11 | T/V : Wall time / encoded variant. |
| 12 | N : The order of the coefficient matrix A. |
| 13 | NB : The partitioning blocking factor. |
| 14 | P : The number of process rows. |
| 15 | Q : The number of process columns. |
| 16 | Time : Time in seconds to solve the linear system. |
| 17 | Gflops : Rate of execution for solving the linear system. |
| 18 | |
| 19 | The following parameter values will be used: |
| 20 | |
| 21 | N : 60000 |
| 22 | NB : 200 |
| 23 | PMAP : Row-major process mapping |
| 24 | P : 2 |
| 25 | Q : 2 |
| 26 | PFACT : Right |
| 27 | NBMIN : 4 |
| 28 | NDIV : 2 |
| 29 | RFACT : Crout |
| 30 | BCAST : 1ringM |
| 31 | DEPTH : 0 |
| 32 | SWAP : Binary-exchange |
| 33 | L1 : transposed form |
| 34 | U : transposed form |
| 35 | EQUIL : yes |
| 36 | ALIGN : 8 double precision words |
| 37 | |
| 38 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 39 | |
| 40 | - The matrix A is randomly generated for each test. |
| 41 | - The following scaled residual check will be computed: |
| 42 | ||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ( || x ||_oo * || A ||_oo + || b ||_oo ) * N ) |
| 43 | - The relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be 2.220446e-16 |
| 44 | - Computational tests pass if scaled residuals are less than 16.0 |
| 45 | |
| 46 | ================================================================================ |
| 47 | T/V N NB P Q Time Gflops |
| 48 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 49 | WR01C2R4 60000 200 2 2 373.55 3.855e+02 |
| 50 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 51 | ||Ax-b||_oo/(eps*(||A||_oo*||x||_oo+||b||_oo)*N)= 0.0021184 ...... PASSED |
| 52 | ================================================================================ |
| 53 | |
| 54 | Finished 1 tests with the following results: |
| 55 | 1 tests completed and passed residual checks, |
| 56 | 0 tests completed and failed residual checks, |
| 57 | 0 tests skipped because of illegal input values. |
| 58 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 59 | |
| 60 | End of Tests. |
| 61 | ================================================================================ |
| 62 | }}} |