28 | | '''February 3, 2016:''' Limulus with Skylake (i5-6500) hits 480.2 double precision CPU GFLOPS using HPL and 1 GbE (658.3 GFLOPS with 10 GbE) . You can see the [wiki:LimulusBenchmarks Latest Results] for details. Pre-built machines delivering a new record setting $11.44/GFLOP can be purchased from [http://basement-supercomputing.com/ Basement Supercomputing] |
| 28 | '''March 21, 2016:''' Limulus with Skylake (i7-6700, 256GB total system memory) hits 640.4 double precision CPU GFLOPS using HPL and 1 GbE (592.5 GFLOPS using 128GB total system memory). You can see the [wiki:LimulusBenchmarks Latest Results] for details. Pre-built machines delivering a new record setting $10.62/GFLOP can be purchased from [http://basement-supercomputing.com/ Basement Supercomputing] |
| 29 | |
| 30 | '''February 3, 2016:''' Limulus with Skylake (i5-6500, 64 GB total system memory) hits 480.2 double precision CPU GFLOPS using HPL and 1 GbE (658.3 GFLOPS with 10 GbE!) . You can see the [wiki:LimulusBenchmarks Latest Results] for details. Pre-built machines delivering a new record setting $11.44/GFLOP can be purchased from [http://basement-supercomputing.com/ Basement Supercomputing] |